Monday, October 22, 2007

Nokia announces N810

The Internet tablet idea was pretty groovy when it was introduced in the form of Nokia’s 770 Internet tablet a couple of years ago - after all, having a device that surfs the Web wirelessly while supporting email, Internet radio, an RSS news reader, an image viewer and media playback capability certainly sounds like a dream. Fast forward a couple of years later, you would probably think that such a device is actually a cellphone, hence doing away with the need for something like the Nokia 770. Or is it? Apparently Nokia thinks otherwise, releasing the N810 Internet tablet that essentially does the same thing as before, save for updated hardware to keep up with the times. It seems that the target market are casual Internet users who want to browse the Web while commercials are being shown, or for those who need to check their email without having to lug around a laptop wherever they go. More on the Nokia N810 after the jump.


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